Monday, February 15, 2010

Becky's Blog

Becky's Blog
I just happened on this site. Check it out.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saren's Quilt Picture

Well, I had Steph send me a pics message and then I deleted it. I sometimes just don't think before I act. But here is the picture I took before I tied it and bound it. The colors are so fun. It looks just like Saren.

Valentine' s Day Gift

I have been wanting a new dining table that I can say is our own. So for Valentine's day Rob and I decided we would get each other a new one. We picked it up last night and today I put it together. It is SO nice. I need to get a ceterpiece or something to put on it. I am glad I have tomorrow off for President's Day. I may have to go shopping. (I hope I can handle that). I may have to look for some ideas before I go shopping.

Physical therapy is a lot of work. I really don't look forward to going, but the hope I have that it is going to help me get stronger and decrease my pain keeps me hanging in there. I really, really, really want to go and try skiing. The season will be over in a couple months so I need t get up there and see how it feels.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Well fellow bloggers, I am so excited. I finished Saren's quilt and did a much better job on the binding, still did not turn out as good as I wanted. I do not like Minkee!!!! I forgot to take pictures before I gave it to her for her birthday so I had to wait to get pictures from Steph and then I will post them. I am very excited about the one I just put together tonight though. Last summer Paige had picked out a pattern for my mom to piece together and then have quilted like the ones we had done for her sister's babies. Anyway, mom just wasn't getting it done because she didn't like the fabric she was trying to work with so I took it and went to town. Literally, I went to town and picked out new fabric. I cut it out on Tuesday night and sewed it up tonight. It is dang cute. The pics will be posted when I get the card reader and can down load them. This quilt does not have Minkee and it was so so so much easier to sew together I just can't believe it. I even had the patience to iron the seams as I sewed and squared the corners and it looks pretty darn good if I say so myself. I called my friend Chimene and she will quilt it for me and bind it. She is so amazing with her sewing machine. This quilt making is pretty dang fun and addicting. I am ready to go get what I need to do one for the new granddaughter that is coming in June/July. The pink will be fun after having 5 boys.

Another item of interest is my decision to get my Master's degree. I found a college to do it online and it will not break the bank. My only dilemma is do I get my masters in nursing education, nursing administration/leadership or family nurse practitioner? I actually talked to our Chief Nursing Officer at work and got some advice from her and am weighing my options. At work I have been really frustrated but love my job (it is possible to feel both emotions). I have felt somewhat unappreciated and unvalued (is that a word?). I have talked to my manager about becoming a first assist. This will put me in the role of assisting the surgeon and can even suture the skin closed and I would be able to be up close and personal in surgery and not just circulating the room. Then there is also a possibility of getting on the heart team. This would be awesome. I would only be a circulator, but I would be involved with the open heart surgeries and valve replacement surgeries too. I just want a place that I can call home when I am working.

Come back soon to see the pictures of my latest masterpieces and to find out which avenue I venture down in the wonderful world of nursing.